
Trish Barillas


Life Coach for over a decade on Anxiety, Relationships, Breakups and Career Advancements. Author of Instabook @afaceofanxiety. Guatemalan descent trying to make a difference for a struggling Country she loves so much. 


Karma McDermott


Karma is a Founding Partner of Hospitality House which provides Food and Beverage strategy, support, and real estate services throughout North America.  Karma’s passion for and knowledge of Food & Beverage stems from a degree in Culinary Arts and Restaurant Management and Front of House experience from some of Manhattan’s most successful hospitality venues.


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Melissa Wood - Tepperberg 

Board of Directors 

Working as a health and wellness coach has given me the incomparable experience of discovering my truth. My devotion to practicing plant-based nutrition and mindful meditations allows me to help women achieve life- altering shifts. I am passionate about creating a comfortable space for women to let go of negative self-talk and in turn open up to positive, new ways of being. I encourage women to step into their power through the mind, body and soul connection. My work explores plant-based nutrition, integrating movement in daily life and practicing self- compassion to accomplish personal growth. 


Lori Ebanietti

Board of directors  

Lori is a wife, mother of two accomplished daughters and animal lover. She is veteran educator with over twenty years in the classroom. Lori spends her free time coaching Girls on the Run, Mindfulness and facilitates MAD4kids, a service-learning organization. One of her many passions is helping children reach their full potential.